“I met Boyd when I brought him an old Gibson, that was found in the trunk of a car and in rough condition, to see if he could repair it. The minute he started talking I could tell that he, like me, had the gift story telling. We hit it off immediately. He restored that guitar and hardly charged me anything.
It wasn’t just his master craftsmanship that I drove an hour and a half for, it was also his masterful storytelling. I could, and did, sit for hours swapping story’s with him.
He was bigger than life and so were his amazing stories. Still, every time I pick up that old Gibson, I’m back in the middle of one his stories with his big voice and infectious smile.” – Paul Harris, “The Cleverly’s”
This is a collection of stories told of a wonderful time and place in the Ozark Mountains back in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s. Masterfully told and complete with sound effects for full immersion in the stories, like an audio book. This is the kind of thing that will lower your blood pressure and make you belly laugh at the same time.
With 10 stories spanning 41 minutes, some of them are among the craziest stories you’ll ever hear, and they’re all true. Like making a kite out of a buzzard, putting ground hogs in mailboxes, or a dog fetching a lit stick of dynamite into the house. Just good clean Ozark story telling at it’s finest.
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